The BreakOut Program

Animals can be an important bridge to forming lasting friendships with people. They inspire compassion and attunement along with self-control.

Hands-On Learning
Virtually every academic subject has significant experiential learning components. Much of the science curriculum is field science.

Sports include biking, archery, fishing, hiking, basketball, baseball, dodgeball, volleyball, running, ultimate frisbee, rock-climbing, swimming, snow shoeing, snowboarding

Weekly Horse Riding
Students get to learn about all things equestrian including horse care, riding, barn management and horse knowledge. Horses are great motivation for kids to stay attentive and at baseline.
Research shows that neurodiverse children often are successful when they run their own businesses rather that working as an employee. One day per week is devoted to mentoring your son in his small business career. He really can do this!

Hourly Accountabiity
Every week your son receives a "passport to success" which has places for accountability every hour. Feedback and rewards are given every hour, day, and week to keep your son on track.

Math U See
The fundamentals are emphasized in a hands-on, applied method with very small groups.

Resilience Training
BOS accesses the courses from Resilified that teach families and kids how to be more resilient. Social skills and manners are woven through the day.

Reading and Writing
BOS teaches reading using phonics and writing using a variant of the Charlotte Mason program.

Great Brain Projects
Every month, the BOS Heroes complete a project on a subject of their choice consisting of a written report, oral presentation, art project, science demo.

Conversational Spanish
As part of every day, the boys will speak and listen to conversational Spanish with Dr. Richardson

Using Hand Tools
One of the lost skills of many young men is the ability to use hand tools and tie knots. BOS teaches these skills.